Let´s make music!


James Taylor and "The Music Project"

I am a musician, singer and teacher who comes from Wales and now lives here in the Ruhrgebiet.
I sing in bands and play lots of instruments including piano, guitar, drums, bass, brass instruments and many more.
I teach English and music privately as well as here in the JGR and in my local VHS.
As a musician I have played many gigs and concerts, both popular and classical, in many cities in the UK and Germany and have been lucky enough to play the National Anthem in front of 72.500 people at the Welsh National Stadium.
We have a lot of fun in our music project and hopefully we will find many talented musicians who will become future performers.


Musical Instrument Group
Years 5 + 6
learn Drums, Guitar, Piano, Music Notation (sometimes Trumpet/ Sax/ Bass)
Popular Music/ some classical

"The Music Project"